Jeevanta Foundation

September 16, 2022 11:32 am

Jeevanta Foundation allows educational professionals, social activists, and academic practitioners to meet to share insights and experiences related to Nepali educational policies and practices.

Currently being managed by Maharshi Falcha and Arya Shree Internationals, the foundation is registered as a separate non-government organization in Kathmandu, Nepal. Its office is currently located in Buddhanagar, Kathmandu.

Since its inception, the foundation’s core objective has been to enhance the quality of public dialogue in Nepal, particularly in matters pertaining to education, future research, good governance, leadership, personal transformation, and professional growth.

In addition to the discussion series, the foundation also conducts and supports research projects and journal publications. In executing its research project, the foundation trains a new generation of researchers through a rigorous mentoring program that allows young researchers to immerse themselves in all aspects of the research enterprise.

Dr. Shree, Founder Chair