
Are you feeling like…
I can’t seem to perform the way? I feel like I am disoriented? My energy is low? I have no passion for life? I feel confused? I feel disconnected? I feel unheard? I live in the past? I don’t know my mission?

The Quantum Alchemy series of inner transformation and professional growth is certainly a new try for your awe-inspiring personal and professional destiny.

Speaking Events

Keynote Speaking

Recently, I have been working with entrepreneurs, educators, governments, and leaders from multi-national companies to INGOs to corporate agencies on how to build innovative organizations, unlock creative potential, and increase productivity through inner transformation and professional growth. As an emergent practitioner in inner transformation and professional growth, creativity, innovation, and leadership, my keynote presentations are thoughtful, content-rich, and applicable. I have begun collaborating with many companies and organizations.

At yours will be the next keynote event.

Seminars and Symposium

Also, I offer personal transformation and professional growth sessions at seminars and symposiums. You’ll experience sacred “aha” moments and have the opportunity to be inspired.


Each workshop topic under the quantum alchemy series opens new doors for personal transformation and professional growth. My one-day workshops on inner transformation and outer manifestation are specially designed inner transformation and outer manifestation frameworks to enable aspiring professionals to tune into new potentials and cultivate themselves as high-energy performer in their personal and professional worlds. You may bring any of these four frameworks into your workplace.

Let’s explore

  • Quantum Minds, Mindsets, and Leadership
  • Human Dynamo of Unlimited Energy
  • Deep Living
  • Journeying Inside out

Let’s explore more

  1. Quantum Minds, Mindsets, and Leadership

To tune into New Potential in the Quantum Field and Cultivate Yourself as High Energy Performer at Your Personal and Professional World

Quantum worldviews and discoveries are the recent gifts that Science has offered to civilization at present. Together with the discoveries in human psychology and organizational behavior, the worldview has challenged many of the earlier assumptions and has opened vast new realms of possibility. Evidenced by scientific discoveries and experiential insights, particularly as those suggested by Dr. Joe Dispenza, the workshop enables you (and your organization) to activate quantum potentials for high energy performance, use your focused attention, and liberate your higher powers of creativity both at the personal and professional levels.

Areas of Concentration

  • Cultivate Quantum Mindsets
  • Dismantle the Memory of Old You
  • Tune into New Potentials in the quantum
  • Live the New Reality 

2. Human Dynamo of Unlimited Energy

A power workshop for high energy performance in the 21st-century workplace

It’s a revolutionary fitness session for the mind and heart. This high-energy power workshop on personal transformation and professional growth shows you how to achieve the extraordinary quality of life you desire and deserve, and how to master your personal and professional life. It will show you, step by step, how to perform at your peak while gaining emotional freedom, attaining leadership and self-confidence, and winning the cooperation of others. It will give you the knowledge and the courage to remake yourself and your world. The Human Dynamo of Unlimited Energy is the workshop to superior performance in an age wondrous sensation.

Areas of Concentration

  • Unlimited Energy 
  • Unwavering Focus 
  • Unstoppable Move
  • Unshakable Impacts

3. Deep Living

We suggest to our employees to concentrate but we hardly tell them how to.

Often, working professionals lack the practical tools needed to focus and concentrate on their tasks. With overwhelming distractions around (e.g., mobile phones, social media, family, and career pressure), the need for focus, concentration, stillness, and well-being has been a major concern of the employees. Addressing this, I deliver practical, interactive workshops in the workplace based on the most recent research to help your employee develop their mindset and acquire key skills to stay focused. The workshop is a step-by-step transformative approach to enable working professionals to define their priorities in life, align their individual priorities to organizational priorities, and develop an ability to stay focused on the right thing at the right time.

Areas of Concentration

Work with living questions- Who am I? What do I love? What am I good at? What am I paid for? How do I do better in my workplace? How do I keep my mind calm and focused at work? How do I keep my body active and focused at work? What are the sources of my distractions from work? How do I commit to zero tolerance for those distractions? What is important for me to do right now? How do I get deeply engaged in what I am doing right now? How am I making continuous progress in my profession? Have I given enough attention to the process? Do I celebrate and be thankful?

4. Living Inside Out

Arriving at this stage of human civilization, it has been our experience that the perceived need for a cultural shift requires a profound change in our systems of knowledge. The shifts call for changes in our locales and ways of learning.

Inner/personal transformation is predominantly the base for societal (and/or organizational) transformation.

Addressing the concerns, this one-day workshop on inner transformation and professional growth of working professionals addresses the realization of the need for self-flourishing i.e., journeying from inside and thereby emerging with outer manifestation.

After the workshop, the participants will begin to

  • Approach Life with the Beginner’s Mind
  • Cultivate the Authentic Self of a Teacher/ Educator
  • Cultivate Authentic Relationships with Students and Parents
  • Practice Adaptive Resilience and Agency during Pressure
  • Demonstrate the flow of Play, Art, and Artfulness in the Performance
  • Continuously Emerge Narrow and Deep