Deep Living

September 13, 2022 9:50 am

We suggest to our employees to concentrate but we hardly tell them how to.

Often, working professionals lack the practical tools needed to focus and concentrate on their tasks. With overwhelming distractions around (e.g., mobile phones, social media, family, and career pressure), the need for focus, concentration, stillness, and well-being has been a major concern of the employees. Addressing this, I deliver practical, interactive workshops in the workplace based on the most recent research to help your employee develop their mindset and acquire key skills to stay focused.

The workshop is a step-by-step transformative approach to enable working professionals to define their priorities in life, align their individual priorities to organizational priorities, and develop an ability to stay focused on the right thing at the right time.

Areas of Concentration

Work with living questions-

Who am I? What do I love? What am I good at? What am I paid for? How do I do better in my workplace? How do I keep my mind calm and focused at work? How do I keep my body active and focused at work? What are the sources of my distractions from work? How do I commit to zero tolerance for those distractions? What is important for me to do right now? How do I get deeply engaged in what I am doing right now? How am I making continuous progress in my profession? Have I given enough attention to the process? Do I celebrate and be thankful?