From Quantum Paradigm to Quantum Minds

December 10, 2022 3:39 pm

Human Alchemy of Personal Transformation and Professional Growth #2: Where the mind tunes into the new potential of cosmic thoughts


This article is the continuity of the earlier article, the quantum paradigm. There, we made a brief discussion on how quantum discoveries have been challenging many of the earlier worldviews. The recent discoveries in quantum science have introduced a new eco-spiritual frame of reference to view and experience virtually every sector of the life world. To this background, this article makes a philosophical inquisition of recent discoveries in human consciousness. It particularly focuses on the idea of how human minds function at the quantum level; how our subjective mind has an effect on our objective world. Also, it discusses how human minds and thought process is potentially the alchemy for inner transformation and professional growth.

Here, we begin the journey with two major assumptions that arise from applying quantum concepts to mental systems: (1) our brains are “plastic,” and that we can “rewire” them, and (2) consciousness is a manifestation of quantum processes in the brain.

At the quantum level, thoughts and feelings are the base of personality traits

Thoughts are mental processes that come in the form of ideas, opinions, and beliefs. Once we feel the way we think, we begin to think the way we feel. These thoughts and feelings are at the roots of our personality. When we think about thought and/or feel an emotion, a biochemical reaction begins in our brain. Based on the nature of the reaction, the brain releases certain chemical signals. The signals define the mood. This is how the thoughts and feelings get materialized in the brain.

 At the quantum level, the repetition of certain thoughts and feelings (the mood) is the base for certain personality traits. When we continuously generate similar thoughts and feelings, we release more chemicals from our brains that equal the nature of the thoughts and the feelings. Slowly, it defines our behavioral patterns. For example, if we have jealous thoughts, our brains begin to release certain chemical signals that equal jealousy. The bodily feelings trigger the release of even more chemicals in the brain that make us continue to feel more jealous. In long run, until these thoughts and feelings are substituted by similar other thoughts and feelings, they become identical to our personality. Similar is the case with other emotions like love and freedom and in feeling successful or failure.

If we get caught in this thinking and feeling loop (either positive or negative) for a seemingly longer period, the loop becomes our state of being. Our present state of being broadcast the same electromagnetic field over and over again—sending out the same energy with the same message. There, it becomes our personality traits that define ‘who we are at present’.

Different thoughts and feelings produce different frequencies and vibrations

Interestingly, this thinking-and-feeling loop determines the influence of our personality because different thoughts and feelings produce different frequencies. Since emotions are energy in motion, the frequencies of love emotion, for example, are different from the frequencies of the anger emotion and so do the frequencies of guilt and lust. Where emotions of love and freedom vibrate at a higher wavelength, the frequency of guilt and lust vibrate at a lower wavelength. It is how some personality traits are positive and acceptable, and some other is undesirable and painful. The question is- how to dismantle lower emotions, cultivate elevated emotions, and make our ‘state of being’ more impactful. 

Changes in frequency and vibration change the state of being

The good news is that we can change our undesirable personality traits. It needs certain efforts. If repetition of certain thoughts and feelings is the base of our certain personality traits, we can cautiously substitute the lower thoughts and feeling (like lust and guilt) for the higher thoughts and feelings (like love and freedom). By doing so, we change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, by changing our state of being, we change how we think and feel. We make new choices, take new actions, and create new experiences.

The present state of being create a future reality

At the quantum level, even our thoughts and feelings at present are responsible to create our destiny. The first prerequisite is a clear purpose and therein the clear vision of the desired future. As you combine a clear intention and elevated emotions that match the desired future, you begin to broadcast a whole new electromagnetic signature into the field. When there’s a vibrational match between your energy and the energy of that desired future, you will begin to draw the experience to you.

Positive thinking is not enough

This shows that positive thinking is necessary. But, only positive thinking is not enough for manifestation. Most of who we are might reside subconsciously as negativity in the body.  In this case, we may find ways to go beyond the conscious mind and enter the subconscious mind. To this, it is necessary to enter into the operating system of the subconscious mind and make permanent changes where those programs exist. Often, guided meditation is a means for this process.

Necessary is creating and demonstrating the desired destiny at present

Quantum scientist David Bohm said, “All the problems of the world are problems of thought. If we want to change the world, we need to change the way we think.” Moving a step ahead, Dr. Joe Dispenza brings evidence that equally important is creating and demonstrating the desired destiny at present- “be and you will become”…or it could also be said in a way like- “be before you become”…If you are to be rich, begin to think rich, feel rich and act rich. If you want to be happy, begin to think happy, feel happy, and act happy.