Journeying Inside Out

September 13, 2022 9:49 am

Arriving at this stage of human civilization, it has been our experience that the perceived need for a cultural shift requires a profound change in our systems of knowledge.

The shifts call for changes in our locales and ways of learning.

Inner/personal transformation is predominantly the base for societal (and/or organizational) transformation. Addressing the concerns, this one-day workshop on inner transformation and professional growth of working professionals addresses the realization of the need for self-flourishing i.e., journeying from inside and thereby emerging with outer manifestation.

After the workshop, the participants will begin to

  • Approach Life with the Beginner’s Mind
  • Cultivate the Authentic Self of a Teacher/ Educator
  • Cultivate Authentic Relationships with Students and Parents
  • Practice Adaptive Resilience and Agency during Pressure
  • Demonstrate the flow of Play, Art, and Artfulness in the Performance
  • Continuously Emerge Narrow and Deep